Return to School 2023
Welcome back to another great year of learning!
Northern Environmental Research & Development (N.E.R.D.S)
The Northern Environmental Research Program is a four credit program which will be offered to Grade 12 students, during the second semester of the 2023/2024 year. This program is designed for students who enjoy the outdoors and who may be interested in pursuing a post secondary college or university career in natural resources, natural sciences or environmental sciences. Students will be involved in a wide variety of projects which will include data collection, analysis, and communication of information as part of on-going monitoring and scientific research with numerous local agencies and associations involved in natural resource management and environmental monitoring. Students will have opportunities to work with fish, wildlife and forestry specialists and have input into the provincial data base of land and natural resources information. They will also gain valuable experience that will help with future studies in environment and resource management at the college or university level, as well as experience and contacts for future jobs.
Successful completion of these credits, along with other designated courses, will earn the student a "Specialist High Skills Major in the Environment" seal on the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, as well as acknowledgement on the student's final transcript.
Enhanced Program Contribution: $375.00 (some assistance may be available)
- Standard First Aid & CPR
- Wilderness First Aid Seminar
- AED certification
- WHMIS Training
- Winter Survival Skills (OPP)
- Pleasure Boat Operator's Course
- GPS Certification/GIS Training
- Bear Safety Training
- Young Worker Workplace Safety Training
- Basic Canoe Training
- ATV Training
- Post Secondary Education Exploration
- Ice Safety and Ice Rescue Training and Certification
- Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring program introduction
- Working At Heights
- Search and Rescue Level II (OPP)
- Stick Nest Identification
- Winter Tree ID/Twig Collection
- Map and Compass Training
- GPS and GIS to collect data for natural resource projects
- Winter Oxygen Testing/Water Chemistry
- Spring Lake Trout Netting Project
- Fish Hatchery Maintenance and Management
- Lake Analysis
- Cold water stream inventory and analysis
- Water quality analysis
- Forest Stand Analysis - Basal Area, Disease
- Forest Management Planning
- Tree Planting
- Tree Marking
- Whip-poor-will Survey
- Loon Survey
- Independent Research Modules
- Resume and Portfolio Development
- Boundary Line Marking
Courses: CGR4M Environment and Resource Management (college/university)
CGO4M Geomatics: Geotechnologies in Action (college/university)
2X CGR4MCO Environment and Resource Management Co-op (college/university)
Animal Tracking
Remote Lake Access Mapping
Eagle's Nest Trail Development
Phragmites Removal
Wildlife Research
Endangered Species Inventory
Bathymetry Mapping
Northern Environmental Research & Development (N.E.R.D.S) timelines 2019/2020 (Pdf) NEED NEW CONTENT
Northern Environmental Research & Development (N.E.R.D.S) clothing and equipment requirements (Pdf)
Northern Outdoor Studies (NOS)
The Northern Outdoor Studies (NOS) class is a four credit high school program open to grade eleven and twelve students. This program equips students with the skills necessary for direct entry into the work force with employers in selected sectors such as: environmental management, natural resource and wildlife management, ecotourism, and commercial logging. The program also provides students interested in attending Colleges or Universities offering environmental management programs, a variety of accredited outdoor certifications and skills. Students study ecology, resource and forestry management, recreation services, community leadership, the environment and interconnections with natural resource management, species biology (including at-risk and invasive species), and human impact on the environment. Students will gain valuable hands-on practical experience, skills, and training for working in many different outdoor occupations.
The NOS class has worked closely with industry experts to identify recognized training and certifications that students should achieve while completing their secondary school diploma. Before finishing the program, each student assembles their own portfolio highlighting the certifications, skills and knowledge they have gained. These portfolios are designed to be used as presentation documents when applying for future employment in their chosen career path.
Enhanced Programming Contribution: $450.00 (possible subsidy available)
Program Requirement: A successful basic swim test is mandatory for participation in any water-based activities.
- Swim to Survive Certificate
- WHMIS Online Course
- Working in Bear Country Safety Course
- Standard First Aid, CPR,& AED Certification
- ORCKA Basic Canoeing Tandem Certification
- ORCKA Canoe Tripping Level 1 Certification
- GPS Mapping and Unit Training
- O.P.P. Search & Rescue Training Level II
- O.P.P. Wilderness Survival Training
- SP-102 Forest Fire Fighting Course
- Radio Operator Aeronautical License
- Fur Harvest, Fur Management and Conservation Course
- Professional Chainsaw Operator Course
*Certifications may change depending on timing of course
and availability of certified instructor.
- Practical Canoe Skills Training
- Canoe Trip - Algonquin Park
- Practical Commercial Tree Identification
- Fin Clipping - North Hastings Hatchery
- Practical Survival Skill Development
- Map/Compass/GPS Practical Application
- Coop Placements -
- Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry
- North Hastings Community Fish Hatchery
- Trapping with local trapper
- College Tours: Fleming & Algonquin
- Natural Resources Career Exploration
- Resume Development
- Personal Portfolio Development
- My Blue Print
- Sir Sam's Ski Trip
The four credits offered are: CGR 4E1 (The Environment and Resource Management), CGR 4E1C
(The Environment and Resource Management Coop), THO 3E/M1 (Green Industries: Forestry), PAD 4O1 (Outdoor Actvities)
*Contact Mr. Isaak in Student Services for more information @ North Hastings High School (613)332-1220.
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North Hastings High School
Are you Vacationing?
Please note: if a student will be away from the school for hunting, vacation, etc. for more than 3 consectutive days, a Prolonged Absence Form must be completed. This form is available in the main office and after being filled out is taken to all teachers so that they may provide you with homework/assignments etc. while you are away. The form is then returned to the office to be signed by the principal.
Absences, medical appts etc.
Absences may be called into the school at any time by calling 613-332-1220. Parents/guardians can leave a message that their student will be absent on a certain day and state the reason why they will be away.
Reminder: If you move or your student moves please contact the school to update the Student database and set up new busing as required from the new location. Please note that it sometimes takes Tri-board several days to process a change in bus.